Thursday, 7 August 2008

Lickin' dog sick

Had a great time at Lola's party last weekend. Hurtling headlong into her dotage now she is. I was the designated driver so drank quarts of orange juice, my innards are still recovering! Good food, good music and good company, what more do you need.. Maybe a sparkly silver loo seat. Rosie is still talking about it, I feel like a failure as a father because ours match the suite colour, not a dot of glitter in sight. Maybe I should do something to rectumfy it....

I'm not what you would call the life and soul of the party, I like to sit and listen to what others have to say... And with so many different people from different backgrounds I was struck dumb.. Such interesting people. I got good lurk... But bugger all photo's cos I forgot my camera.. Sigh.

Some friends last us a lifetime, some are shite. It seems we have an abundance of both at the moment. Lola's a keeper... Others will fall by the wayside, I'd rather lick dog sick than keep crap friends, I'm too old to faff about wasting my time with them....

1 comment:

Lola said...

Dotage?? I think you'll find that you are several decades older than me...

I installed the loo seat because I saw one like it in another friend's house. Go for it! Rosie's right, and you won't regret it, I feel like a princess every time I sit down.